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Unleash Your WHY!
“There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why.”
- William Barclay
Unleash Your WHY…
From the moment you learn to talk, the most recited word in your vocabulary is “WHY?” As a relentlessly curious child this burning question plagues your parents as you pester them. WHY? WHY? WHY? You want understanding, for things to make sense, for the world not to seem like one big question mark.
As adults, curiosity gives way to a deep yearning. You move from questioning why the stars sparkle or the sun comes up to a need to know the purpose of existing. Why are we here? What is the point? Sadly, most people die with that question within them—what’s the meaning behind this thing called “life”? Why am I here—really?
If you can help people figure this out, they will buy from you. The relevance to marketing is huge.
At the root of it all, we crave a “feeling”, a feeling that equates to successful living, that somehow we matter, our work matters, our existence carries weight in one sphere or many. In this “feeling” lies the magic, the hard-wiring, the coding that guides our every decision. When we find the behavior that gives us that “feeling” of success we repeat it over and over again. We run every decision through a lens that is programmed to guide us back to a success that is predefined. It becomes WHY we do all that we do.
If you provide the product that helps your buyers experience that feeling, they will buy from you forever.
What's your WHY? WHY do you think the way you think, talk the way you talk, act the way you act? What if you could see the world through a different lens, a view that comes straight from inside you…from your own hidden belief system, your own WHY. What if you provide the product that helps the world make a little more sense?
Every individual and every organization needs to know their WHY. Inspired organizations live it on a daily basis. It’s your gift, what makes you unique and special. It’s what makes others connect with you on a profound level, either personally or as an organization. It’s what gets people to pull out their credit cards and invest in you. It’s worth taking the time to step back and figure it out. Don’t YOU want to know YOUR gift?
Ridgely Goldsborough started his first business at age 16 - and has since founded 43 companies and written 16 business books. His prolific profile has earned him millions of dollars and a vast network of JV partners - which he taps into often to execute some of the digital marketing industry's biggest JV launches. And while he often speaks at high-end masterminds and events around the world, JV Hacking marks the first time he's sharing his proven JV strategies in public.
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