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Stefan Georgi  - Do it Your Way - PART 1

Digital Marketing Revolution Expert Series

Stefan Georgi  - Do it Your Way - PART 1

Check out this video as Stefan breaks down manifesting your genius your way and much more:

In this video, you will explore:

  • Starting as a freelancer.
  • Do what you gotta do, until you don’t have to. 
  • The value of doing research.
  • The power of finding a mentor.
  • Shedding your preconceived notions.
  • Telling your customer what to do.
  • And much more

Watch your inbox for Part 2 from Stefan Georgi, expert from The Digital Marketing Revolution, with more great material! 

Glen Ledwell is a serial entrepreneur with a diverse background of experience. Since 2007, Glen has been the co-founder & the CEO of Mind Movies, where he continues to be the driving force behind all the marketing strategies. In the first 3 years of being online, he took the company from $0 - $6 million SOLELY through Joint Ventures. To date, he has generated in excess of $50 million online, in which $25 million of that has been purely from Joint Ventures.

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